The Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program offers a number of courses, either of its own or through cross-listings with other Departments and Programs. Listed below are courses offered on a regular basis that satisfy the undergraduate Certificate requirements.
In addition, a wide variety of other offerings may be used to satisfy the certificate requirements. Please contact the Program Director for permission to use a course not listed here for fulfillment of Medieval and Renaissance Studies requirements.
For the undergraduate certificate, courses should be divided from at least 3 different departments.
- M= Satisfies Medieval Requirement
- R= Satisfies Renaissance Requirement
- M/R= Satisfies Medieval or Renaissance Requirement
Africana Studies (AFRCNA)
0318 History of Africa Before 1800
0586 Early African Civilizations - M
Anthropology (ANTH)
0534 Prehistoric Foundation of European Civilization
0536 Mesoamerica Before Cortez - M
Classics (CLASS)
0010 Greek Civilization
0020 Roman Civilization
0030 Mythology in the Ancient World
0100 Masterpieces Greek and Roman Literature
0300 History of Ancient Philosophy
0330 Myth and Science
1022 The Augustan Age
1130 Classical Mythology and Literature
1210 Greek History
1220 Roman History
1250 Law & Society in Greece & Rome
1430 Origins of Christianity
1432 Varieties of Early Christianity
English Literature (ENGLIT)
0580 Introduction to Shakespeare-R
0597 Bible as Literature
0644 Myth and Folktale
1010 Magical Nature Before the Modern World
1100 Medieval Imagination-M
1101 Invention of English-M
1103 Introduction to Old English
1106 Middle English Literature-M
1115 Chaucer-M
1125 Masterpieces of Renaissance Literature-R
1126 Advanced Shakespeare-R
1128 Shakespeare's Sexualities-R
1135 Literature, Media, and Science in the Age of Shakespeare-R
1552 History of the English Language
1570 Myth and Folktale
2101 Medieval Imagination-M
2104 Medieval Book of Weird-M
2126 Shakespeare-R
2131 Shakespeare, Gender, and Sexuality-R
2136 Literature, Media, and Science in the Age of Shakespeare-R
2569 History Of The Book
French (FR)
1010 Medieval & Renaissance Topics-M/R
1040 French Language Past and Present
1054 Special Topics
2100 Readings in Middle Early Modern French-M
German (GER)
1500 Germanic Myths Legends and Sagas
1502 Indo-European Folktales
0011 Beginning Ancient Greek 1
0021 Beginning Ancient Greek 2
0210 Intermediate Greek
0220 Intermediate Greek Verse
1021 Beginning Ancient Greek 2
History of Art and Architecture (HA&A)
0050 Introduction to Medieval Art-M
0070 European Visl Tradtn Renasnc-Present
0150 Ancient Art
0210 Medieval Painting-M
0220 The Medieval Book-M
0221 Medieval Architecture-M
0240 The Medieval Patron-M
0302 Renaissance Art-R
0310 Northern Renaissance Art-R
0620 Art of China
0715 Islamic Architecture-M
0730 Islamic Art-M
0905 Architecture of the Pre-Modern World: A Global Perspective on Bodies, Buildings, and Imaginations-M/R
1010 Approaches to Art History
1100 Special Topics—Ancient
1210 Medieval Iconography-M
1215 Medieval Manuscript Illumination-M
1220 Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
1230 Early Medieval Art-M
1235 English Medieval Architecture-M
1240 Romanesque Architecture
1250 Gothic Architecture
1255 Gothic Art
1258 Italian Gothic Art
1304 16th Century Italian Painting-R
1305 Early Renaissance Architecture-R
1306 High Renaissance Architecture-R
1308 Italian 17th Century Painting-R
1692 Buddhism Civilization Along the Silk Road-M
2200 Special Topics-Medieval-M
2231 Early Medieval Art-M
2232 Pagans and Christians: The Early Middle Ages-M
2240 Romans After Rome-M
2300 Special Topics-Renaissance-R
History (HIST)
0089 Magic, Medicine and Science-R
0100 Western Civilization I
0125 Religions of the West
0139 Viking Age Scandinavia-M
0140 The History of the Book-M
0201 The Baltic Sea: From the Vikings to Post-Soviet Re-union
0400 East Asian Civilization to 1800-M
0752 Empires of the Steppe: Eurasia from the Mongols to the Soviet Union
0753 Rise of Islam: 500-1200 CE-M
0795 History of Africa Before 1800
1021 Anglo-Dutch Achievement 1550-1750-R
1060 The Global History of Piracy
1110 Medieval History 1-M
1111 Medieval History 2-M
1112 The Medieval World-M
1114 Medieval Spain-M
1114 Time of Troubles, 1275-1525-M
1116 Introduction to the Renaissance-R
1117 Renaissance and Reformation Europe-R
1120 British Isles
1121 Tudor England-R
1122 Stuart England-R
1144 The Portuguese Empire and Early Modern Globalization-R
1148 History of Political Thought
1190 Medieval Government and Society-M
1191 English Origins of American Law
1197 Black Death: Plague and History-M
1225 Balkan History from the Ottomans to the Yugoslav Collapse
1422 Late Imperial China-M
1431 History of Japan to 1868-R
1437 The World of the Sword: Exploring the Samurai
1482 Buddhism Along the Silk Road-M
1753 The Ottoman Empire (1300-1923)
1760 Jews and Judaism in the Medieval World-M
1768 Christians Muslims Jews in the Middle Ages: Connection and Conflict-M
1775 Origins of Christianity
1776 Varieties of Early Christianity
1781 Roman History
1783 Greek History
2121 Anglo-Dutch Achievement-R
2721 Atlantic History to 1800: Readings-R
History and Philosophy of Science (HPS)
0427 Myth and Science
0430 Gallileo and Creation of Modern Science-R
0515 Magic, Medicine and Science-R
1508 Classics in History of Science
1531 Man & Cosmos in the Renaissance-R
2533 Descartes-R
2540 Locke and Leibniz-R
2555 Aristotle’s Concept of Natural Science
2567 William Harvey’s Natural Philosophy-R
Italian (ITAL)
0060 Literary Italian 1
0080 Renaissance Italy-R
1061 Dante 1-M/R
1062 Dante 2-M/R
1063 Petrarch and Boccaccio-M/R
1066 Epic Poetry-R
1081 Dante's Divine Comedy–M/R
1082 Italian Renaissance Literature-R
1085 Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio-M/R
2302 Theater of the Renaissance-R
2315 Renaissance Humaism-R
2410 Settecento
2801 History of the Italian Language
Jewish Studies (JS)
1210 Jews and Judaism in the Ancient World
1220 Jews and Judaism in the Medieval World-M
1227 Medieval Spain-M
1644 Christians Muslims Jews in the Middle Ages: Connection and Conflict-M
1762 The Guide to the Perplexed-M
0011 Beginning Latin 1
0020 Beginning Latin 1
0021 Beginning Latin 2
0101 Beginning Latin 1
0102 Beginning Latin 2
0130 Medieval Latin
0220 Intermediate Latin Verse
1021 Beginning Latin 2
1032 Medieval Latin Authors 2-M
1033 Medieval Latin Authors 2: Writing Practicum-M
1302 Latin Authors 2
1303 Latin Authors 2: Writing Practicum
1540 Early Medieval Latin Literature-M
Linguistics (LING)
0221 Irish Gaelic 1
0222 Irish Gaelic 2
0223 Irish Gaelic 3
0224 Irish Gaelic 4
Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program (M&RST)
0025 Inquisitions
0070 Medieval Artistic Patronage-M
1001 Medieval World-M
1002 Introduction to the Renaissance-R
1003 Marie de France-M
1010 Man & the Cosmos in the Renaissance-R
1011 Medieval Narrative Epic & Romance-M
1019 The Middle Ages: A Living Legacy-M
1022 Medieval Latin-M
1052 Arthurian Legend and Cultural Change
1076 Palaeography
1200 Special Topics
9999 Medieval and Renaissance Studies Adv Transfer Equivalency-M/R
0211 Introduction to Western Art Music
0222 History of Western Music to 1750
0672 Chamber Music-R
1222 History & Analysis of Western Music, 800-1475-M
1224 Later Renaissance and Baroque-R
2131 Introduction to Musicology
Philosophy (PHIL)
0200 History of Ancient Philosophy
0202 History of Ancient Philosophy: Writing Practicum
1080 Medieval Philosophy-M
1090 Topics in Medieval Philosophy-M
1600 Philosophy & Rise Modern Science
1762 The Guide of the Perplexed-M
2120 Spinoza-R
2130 Leibniz-R
2533 Descartes-R
2547 Aristotle's Philosophy of Science-M
Religious Studies (RELGST)
0083 Mythology in the Ancient World
0105 Religions of the West
0115 Bible as Literature
0305 Classics in Christian Thought
0454 Rise of Islam: 500-1200 CE-M
0455 Introduction into Islamic Civilization
1105 Middle English Literature-M
1120 Origins of Christianity
1130 Varieties of Early Christianity
1135 Orthodox Christianity
1144 Classical Mythology & Literature
1210 Jews and Judaism in the Ancient World
1220 Jews and Judaism in the Medieval World-M
1230 Ashkenazi Jewry-Medieval-M
1240 Jews and the City-M
1320 Medieval History 1-M
1330 Medieval History 2-M
1335 Medieval Spain-M
1342 Religious Issues of the Reformation-R
1360 Intro to the Renaissance-R
1362 Man & Cosmos in the Renaissance-R
1520 Buddhism Along the Silk Road-M
1540 Saints East and West-M
1644 Christians Muslims Jews in the Middle Ages: Connection and Conflict-M
1762 The Guide of the Perplexed-M
2327 Medieval Judiasm-M
Russian (RUSS)
0090 Russian Fairy Tales
0850 Early Russian Culture
2700 Medieval Rus'
Slavic (SLAV)
1135 Orthodox Christianity
2210 Old Church Slavic-M
Spanish (SPAN)
1470 The Incas: Andean Indigenous Peoples and Spanish Colonial Rule
1801 Don Quijote and the Novel
2404 Pre-Columbian Topics-M
2410 Discovery and Conquest-R
2634 Baroque Topics-R
2635 Seminar: Baroque-R
Swedish (SWE)
1615 Sweden - From Vikings to Now
Theatre Arts (THEA)
0850 Introduction to Shakespeare-R
1341 World Theatre: 500 BCE to 1640
1342 World Theatre: 1640 to 1890
1352 Medieval Theatre-M
1353 Continental Renaissance Theatre-R
1354 English Theatre: 1558-1642-R
1501 Shakespeare Acting
2205 World Theatre: 500 BCE to 1640
2206 World Theatre: 1640 to 1890